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D1.1  Management Handbook and Quality Plan

31 January 2020

Mir Ghoraishi (Gigasys Solutions)

D1.1 contains information about the internal organisation of the consortium and the work procedures for all partners. It contains instructions for the collaboration tools as well as management responsibilities.

D1.2  Data Management Plan

30 April 2020

Mir Ghoraishi (Gigasys Solutions)

D1.2 contains the status and strategy of the project in regard to the data management and GDPR and will evolve during the lifetime of the project. Special emphasis will be provided in publishing Open Access (OA).

D1.3 Interim Activity Report I

31 January 2021   (European commission review pending)

Mir Ghoraishi (Gigasys Solutions)

This document is the 5G-CLARITY interim report. The project was kicked off in November 2019, and this report covers the period up to December 2020. It starts with a summary of the progress on the technical work, organized in four technical work packages. The report then provides updates on the project’s dissemination activities, either in publication and public presentation of the project results, or in contributions to standardizations. The project’s management and administration aspects are also covered in this deliverable.

D2.1  Use-Case Specifications and Requirements

29 February 2020   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Miguel Granda Trigo (Bosch Spana)

D2.1 reports the use cases taken as reference for the project, and that will guide the design, development, and demonstration activities conducted in the project. D2.1 will provide design specification of selected use cases and derive their functional and technical requirements.

D2.2  Primary System Architecture

31 October 2020   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Jose Ordonez-Lucena (TID)

This document dives into the initial architecture design of the 5G-CLARITY system, which is architected into four different strata, with segregated scope and different technology pace each: infrastructure stratum, network and application function stratum, management and orchestration stratum, and intelligent stratum. The main contributions are on describing and categorising 5G-CLARITY technical innovations, explaining the business ecosystem and the actor role-models, 5G-CLARITY system requirements, the baseline architecture design, and the insight into the integration of private and public networks.

D2.3  Primary System Architecture Evaluation

31 July 2021   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Anna Tzanakaki (University of Bristol/IASA)

5G-CLARITY D2.3 provides an initial evaluation of the key features of the 5G-CLARITY system architecture so that its main merits and limitations can be outlined. These include, i) identification of components and features from the system architecture, ii) modelling of selected components and features, relying on theoretical analysis adopting both analytical and numerical models, iii) definition of the evaluation plan, and iv) system architecture evaluation.

D2.4  Final System Architecture and Its Evaluation

26 OCtober 2022   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Anna Tzanakaki, Markos Anastasopoulos (University of Bristol)

5G-CLARITY D2.4 is the report on the final 5G-CLARITY system architecture. It builds upon the solution design and validation work done over the initial 5G-CLARITY system, refining it according to the lessons learnt from WP3 (use and control plane), WP4 (management plane) and WP5 (in-project pilots). In addition, this deliverable reports on 5G-CLARITY pathways towards 6G, outlining the actionable items on 5G-CLARITY capabilities to make system architecture evolve according to 6G expectations.


State-of-the-Art Review and Initial Design of the Integrated 5GNR/Wi-Fi/LiFi Network Frameworks on Coexistence, Multi-Connectivity, Resource Management and Positioning

31 August 2020   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Antonio Garcia (Accelleran), Tezcan Cogalan (University of Edinburgh)

5G-CLARITY D3.1 introduces the state-of-the-art technologies on integrated network coexistence, multi-connectivity, resource management and positioning. It also describes the initial design of the integrated 5G/Wi-Fi/LiFi network frameworks that provides, i) coexistence and cooperation between private and public networks operating in licensed as well as unlicensed bands; ii) multi-connectivity to different WATs; iii) enhancements on aggregated system area capacity through intelligent resource management; and iv) cm-accuracy on indoor positioning.

D3.2  Design Refinements and Initial Evaluation of the Coexistence, Multi-Connectivity, Resource Management and Positioning Frameworks

31 May 2021   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Tezcan Cogalan (Interdigital UK)

The 5G-CLARITY D3.2 provides evaluation results and refinements on the design of 5G-CLARITY user and control plane architecture. This document is also aligned with the 5G-CLARITY “network function and application stratum” that covers not only user- and control-plane but also application plane functionality as presented in 5G-CLARITY D2.2 [2].
In essence, 5G-CLARITY D3.2 provides the performance evaluations and refinements for:
• Multi-WAT aggregation: Including 5GNR CU/DU/RU integration, integration of Wi-Fi and LiFi networks as a single non-3GPP network, integration of 3GPP and non-3GPP wireless access technologies (WATs) and assignment of traffic flows via MPTCP;
• 5G-CLARITY eAT3S framework: Including operational flows, initial enhanced access traffic steering, switching and splitting (enhanced AT3S / eAT3S) algorithm design and control plane aspects of the custom MPTCP scheduler;
• Scheduling and resource management: Including Wi-Fi and LiFi airtime-based schedulers and utility-based scheduler to manage different service types;  • Positioning: Including WAT-specific positioning scheme and its performance evaluations, as well as the fusion approach;
• Integrated 5G/Wi-Fi/LiFi network performance evaluation: Including possible access point (AP)/gNB deployment options, achievable communication bandwidths, technology-specific area-capacity achievements and integrated network area-capacity performance.

D3.3 Complete Design and Final Evaluation of the Coexistence, Multi-Connectivity, Resource Management, and Positioning Frameworks

26 October 2022   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Hamada Alshaer (University of Strathclyde)

5G-CLARITY D3.3, aims to provide evaluation results and final refinements on the proposed and refined 5G-CLARITY user and control plane architecture, which is reported in 5G-CLARITY D3.1, and 5G-CLARITY D3.2. The proposed network structure, its components and related solutions reported in this document are aligned with the “Network Function and Application Stratum” technical requirements, which presented in 5G-CLARITY D2.2.


Initial Design of the SDN/NFV Platform and Identification of Target 5G-CLARITY ML Algorithms

31 October 2020   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Daniel Camps-Mur, Hamzeh Khalili (i2CAT)

The main contribution of this deliverable is a state-of-the-art analysis and an initial design for the main components of two stratums of the 5G-CLARITY architecture as defined in 5G-CLARITY D2.2, namely the Management and Orchestration stratum and the Intelligence stratum. Regarding the former, this deliverable defines in detail the Service and Slice management subsystem and the Data Processing subsystem, and on the latter, the deliverable identifies Machine Learning use cases that are enabled by the 5G-CLARITY system and provides an initial design for the AI Engine and Intent Engine components. Overall, this document presents the main Management Plane innovations that will be developed in 5G-CLARITY.

D4.2  Validation of 5G-CLARITY SDN/NFV Platform, Interface Design with 5G Service Platform, and Initial Evaluation of ML Algorithms

30 July 2021   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Jose Ordonez-Lucena (Telefonica)

The 5G-CLARITY D4.2, describes an initial implementation and validation of the 5G-CLARITY system artifacts allowing for user-friendly, zero-touch management of services and slices on private network infrastructures. These artifacts are arranged into two 5G-CLARITY system architecture strata: the Management and Orchestration stratum, and the Intelligence stratum.

On the one hand, the Management and Orchestration stratum encompasses all the necessary functionality to deploy and operate the different 5G-CLARITY services (and associated resources) throughout their lifetime, from their commissioning to decommissioning. On the other hand, the Intelligence stratum is an add-on layer enriching 5G-CLARITY system capabilities with solutions leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and intent based mechanisms.

In addition, D4.2 also serves to launch 5G-CLARITY T4.2: “Integration with E2E 5G slice framework”, which is the first solution design of mechanisms enabling the public-private network integration. This integration, based on the interworking and communication between 5G-CLARITY components of external MNO assets, is addressed into this deliverable into throughout three separate workstreams: i) management capability exposure, which deals with everything related to the external access mediation subsystem from 5G-CLARITY management and orchestration stratum, including the internal design of mediation function and its use for the enforcement of the service delivery models applicable to the in-project pilots; ii) public-private network connectivity, which identifies WAN technology data networking services that can be used for this end, providing a comparative analysis between them in terms of topology, technology, QoS features and cost; iii) distributed AI, which assess the implications of partially migrating AI assets from the private premises to the public cloud for the sake of resource efficiency (e.g. data training is resource-demanding, and not always feasible on a 5G-CLARITY site) and performance gains (e.g. enriching AI engine with data collected from both PLMN and private premises).

D4.3 Evaluation of E2E 5G Infrastructure and Service Slices, and of the Developed Self-Learning ML Algorithms

26 October 2022   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Joseph McNamara (Ericsson LMI)

5G-CLARITY D4.3 provides the latest developments of WP4, showcasing how the work package objectives have been successfully accomplished. 5G-CLARITY D4.3 describes the evaluation of two main aspects of WP4. These are the evaluation of the E2E 5G Infrastructure and Service Slices and the evaluation of the developed self-learning ML algorithms. This is achieved through the final implementation of the 5G-CLARITY Service and Slice Provisioning System with an experimental demonstration of intent-driven Slice as a Service capabilities. The implementation and integration of the data management and processing subsystems are validated through a Proof-of-Concept experimental scenario. The self-learning ML algorithms are validated through execution in several scenarios, providing a variety of network functionalities to the system. These two aspects are presented in an integrated experiment showcasing the coordination of ML models within the AI Engine, fed by data accessible through the Data Lake and the results exposed through communication with the Intent Engine.

D5.1  Specification of Use Cases and Demonstration Plan

15 February 2021   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Mir Ghoraishi (Gigasys Solutions)

The primary aim of 5G-CLARITY deliverable D5.1 is to provide the guideline for the project use cases implementations and demonstrations. 5G-CLARITY Smart Tourism and Industry 4.0 (Smart Factory) pilots are formulated in three use cases as: i) UC1: ‘Enabling enhanced human-robot interaction’ (Smart Tourism); ii) UC2.1: ‘Alternative network for production-data exchange’ (Industry 4.0); ii) UC2.2: ‘Enhanced automated guided-vehicle (AGV) positioning in intralogistics’ (Industry 4.0).
These use cases are expected to demonstrate the benefits of 5G-CLARITY innovations that are worked out to address the private network challenges, beyond 3GPP Release 16, on coexistence, integration, and interoperation of private and public networks. Among the outstanding challenges in this regard, one could name spectrum management, multiple wireless access technologies (multi-WAT) and multi-tenancy support, software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualisation (NFV) powered infrastructure slicing, and data-driven network management. Aiming at addressing these challenges, 5G-CLARITY solutions will be implemented and their performances will be evaluated based on the architecture and definitions that are outlined in 5G-CLARITY D2.2, and the corresponding KPIs defined in 5G-CLARITY D2.1.

D5.2  Integration of Solutions and Validations

26 October 2022   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Juan José Ramos-Muñoz (University of Granada)

5G-CLARITY D5.2 provides the in-lab validation of the KPIs defined for the use cases by fusing the technologies from multiple partners and the equipment that will be placed at the pilots’ venues. Details of the pilots used for 5G-CLARITY architecture’s overall KPI validations and demonstrations are introduced, and performance evaluations and implementation details are discussed.

D5.3  5G-CLARITY Use Cases: Demonstrations and Evaluations

May 15 2023   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Hilary Frank, Amin Emami, Hamid Falaki, Shuangyi Yan (Univerrsity of Bristol)

5G-CLARITY D5.3 reports on the integration of the 5G-CLARITY technologies developed in the technical work packages of the project into two pilots: i) a smart tourism pilot held in the M Shed museum in Bristol, and ii) an Industry 4.0 pilot held in a factory provided by BOSCH in Aranjuez, Madrid.
These pilots constitute two real implementations of the 5G-CLARITY architecture for private networks proposed in the project. The main technical innovations integrated in the two pilots are: i) the multi-connectivity framework based on Multipath TCP (MPTCP), ii) a set of positioning technologies integrated on Sub-6, 60GHz and Li-Fi radios, iii) a service and slice provisioning subsystem used to provision network slices, and iv) the intent and AI engines that can be used to simplify network operations.

D6.1  Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Project Results

31 January 2020  (European commission review pending)    PDF

Oscar Adamuz-Hinojosa (University of Granada)

D6.1 provides the plan for the rest of the project with respect to the dissemination actions and an initial plan for the exploitation activities and reporting on the establishment of the External Advisory Board.

D6.3  Mid-Term Report on Disseminations and Communications Activities

3 May 2021   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Juan M. Lopez-Soler (Univeristy of Granada)

The 5G-CLARITY D6.1 includes all the dissemination and communication activities related with the promotion of the 5G-CLARITY project and its results beyond the project own community along the mid-term project execution.

The Communication Section reports on activities carried out that impact project stakeholders and audiences that go beyond the project’s own community, including the general public and the media. The Dissemination Section includes activities related with boosting awareness of 5G-CLARITY results in a technical community working on the same research field. In general, this has been done through publications in high impact journals/magazines, international conferences and participation in technical events. Finally, the Exploitation Section covers activities aiming at using the results in further research activities other than those covered by the project, such as developing, creating and marketing products or processes, creating and providing a service.

D6.7  Restricted Deliverable on Exploitation Plan

28 February 2022   (European commission review pending)   PDF

Rui Bian (pureLiFi)

5G-CLARITY D6.7 summarises the exploitable outcomes from the project with classifications into different categories. The methodologies for analysing these exploitable outcomes are described and the updated individual exploitation plans are presented.